• Competitive Anxiety and Mood States in High-Performance Cuban Student Athletes

      Ríos-Garit, J., Cañizares-Hernández, M., Reyes-Bossio, M., Pérez-Surita, Y., Touset-River, R. (2024). Competitive Anxiety and Mood States in High-Performance Cuban Student Athletes, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0304



    • “I Am a Football Player and/or a Girl”: Psychosemantics of Self-Consciousness among Teenage Female Football Players

      Lopukhova, O.G. (2024). “I Am a Football Player and/or a Girl”: Psychosemantics of Self-Consciousness among Teenage Female Football Players, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0303



    • Winners or Losers? Two Academic Years in Experiences of COVID-19 Pandemic

      Milovanović, I.M., Matić, R.M., Banjac, B., Pišot, S. (2024). Winners or losers? Two academic years in experiences of COVID-19 pandemic, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0302



    • Assessing Motivational Factors in Young Serbian Athletes: A Validation Study of the Sport Motivation Scale-II

      Jakšić, D., Trbojević Jocić, J., Manojlović, M. (2024). Assessing Motivational Factors in Young Serbian Athletes: A Validation Study of the Sport Motivation Scale-II, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0301



    • Motivations of High School Students of Different Sex and Age
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      Vartanova I.I. (2018) Motivations of High School Students of Different Sex and Age. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (3), 209-224



    • Metaphor as a Basic Mechanism of Art (Painting)
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      Petrenko V.F., Korotchenko E.A. (2012). Metaphor as a Basic Mechanism of Art (Painting) . Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 5, 531-567



    • Intimate Partner Violence: An Overview of the Existing Theories, Conceptual Frameworks, and Definitions
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      Burelomova A.S., Gulina M.A., Tikhomandritskaya O.A. (2018) Intimate Partner Violence: An Overview of the Existing Theories, Conceptual Frameworks, and Definitions. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (3), 128-144



    • Assimilation or integration: Similarities and differences between acculturation attitudes of migrants from Central Asia and Russians in Central Russia
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      Ryabichenko T. A., Lebedeva N. M. (2016). Assimilation or integration: Similarities and differences between acculturation attitudes of migrants from Central Asia and Russians in Central Russia. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(1), 98-111.



    • Category of «Context» and Contextual Approach in Psychology
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      Verbitsky A.A., Kalashnikov V.G. (2012). Category of «Context» and Contextual Approach in Psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 5, 117-130



    • Technologies of Virtual Reality in the Context of WorldWide and Russian Psychology: Methodology, Comparison with Traditional Methods, Achievements and Perspectieves
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      Zinchenko, Yu.P., Menshikova, G.Ya., Bayakovsky, Yu.M., Chernorizov, A.M., Voiskounsky, A.E. (2010). Technologies of Virtual Reality in the Context of WorldWide and Russian Psychology: Methodology, Comparison with Traditional Methods, Achievements and Perspectives. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 3, 12-45.



    • Comparative analysis of Canadian multiculturalism policy and the multiculturalism policies of other countries
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      Berry J. (2016). Comparative analysis of Canadian multiculturalism policy and the multiculturalism policies of other countries. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(1), 4-23.



    • The V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society
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      Zhuravlev A.L., Zinchenko Yu.P., Kovaleva Yu.V., Sergienko E.A. (2012). The V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 5, 11-30



    • Primary and Secondary Appraisals in Measuring Resilience to Stress
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      Velichkovsky B.B. (2009). Primary and Secondary Appraisals in Measuring Resilience to Stress. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 2, 539-563



    • Moral emotions, conscience, and cognitive dissonance
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      Gershon M. Breslavs. (2013). Moral emotions, conscience, and cognitive dissonance. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 6(4), 65-72



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    • Vygotsky’s Hamlet: the dialectic method and personality psychology
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      Bayanova L.F. (2013) Vygotsky’s Hamlet: the dialectic method and personality psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 6, 35-42



    • Nonclassical and Postnonclassical epistemology in Lev Vygotsky’s cultural-historical approach to clinical psychology
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      Zinchenko Y.P., Pervichko E.I.(2013) Nonclassical and Postnonclassical epistemology in Lev Vygotsky’s cultural-historical approach to clinical psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 6, 43-56



    • Person-centered approaches in medicine: clinical tasks, psychological paradigms, and postnonclassic perspective
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      Mezzich J.E., Zinchenko Y.P., Krasnov V.N., Pervichko E.I., Kulygina M.A. (2013) Person-centered approaches in medicine: clinical tasks, psychological paradigms, and postnonclassic perspective. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 6, 95-109



    • In search of the “I”: Neuropsychology of lateralized thinking meets Dynamic Causal Modeling
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      Velichkovsky B. M., Krotkova O. A., Sharaev M. G., Ushakov V. L. (2017). In search of the “I”: Neuropsychology of lateralized thinking meets Dynamic Causal Modeling. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10 (3), 7-27.



call for papers

‘’Psychology in Russia: State of the Art’’ welcomes original research on all aspects of general psychology including cognitive, clinical, developmental, social, neuropsychology, psychophysiology, psychology of labor and ergonomics, and methodology of psychological science. To submit an article, please register.

Special issue: A Closer Look at the Applications and Implications of Positive Emotions in Second/Foreign Language Classrooms (18 (02), 2025)

Many L2 researchers to date have studied the implications of teachers’ and students’ emotions in different language education environments. Nonetheless, as the review of the relevant literature suggests, the majority of scholars have focused on the consequences of negative emotions, leaving a broad range of positive emotions unconsidered. To bridge the gap in the pertinent literature, the present special issue aims to bring together research studies assessing the role of positive emotions in language classrooms. More precisely, this special issue seeks to collect studies that probe into the applications and implications of positive emotions in second and foreign language classes. 

Second and foreign language education is an emotional process accompanied by various positive and negative emotions. While positive emotions, including hope, happiness, enjoyment, motivation, pride, and satisfaction, can facilitate the language education process, negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, stress, depression, apprehension, fear, and frustration may impede this process and result in undesired educational outcomes. Due to the integral role of emotions in the language education process, studying the applications or implications of positive and negative emotions in the language education settings seems imperative. 

We welcome original research, intervention-based studies, critical reports, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. In terms of research design, we are looking for in-depth qualitative studies, large-scale quantitative investigations, and mixed-methods research. Regarding the design of studies in this area, they can be experimental, qualitative exploration of a few cases in detail, large-scale quantitative exploration of correlational or cause-effect relationships, or mixed methods research studies.

Deadline for submission is November 15, 2024

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Reviewers are always welcomed to join our journal

We invite new reviewers to our journal “Psychology in Russia: State of the Art”.

If you have expertise in psychology and behavioral science research, we welcome you in our reviewers’ team. Please, provide us with your CV, preferred field(s) of review, and any comments on convenient terms of contacts to psychologyinrussia@gmail.com

We do not offer financial compensations but issue annual official reports about reviewers’ impact as well as special page with acknowledgements of reviewers’ work in online and print versions of the journal.

“Psychology in Russia: State of the Art” is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index). We adhere to practice of double-blind peer-review, and process the manuscripts according to American Psychological Association standards.

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Scopus citation data published. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art Journal entered Q2 in Psychology.

Elsevier has completed the calculation of 2023 citation metrics for scientific periodicals.

According to the rating results, the journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art entered the second quartile in “Psychology” category and became the only Russian psychological journal that was awarded such a high evaluation.

“The fact that the journal’s status is growing indicates the steady interest of foreign colleagues in the Russian psychological school, as well as the high standards of the manuscript preparation. Just recently, we became the first Russian psychological journal indexed in PubMed, and now our indicators in the Scopus database have also increased,” noted the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, President of the Russian Psychological Society, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor Yury Zinchenko.

The quarterly journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art is published by the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University together with the Russian Psychological Society since 2008. The journal focuses on the research within the framework of Russian activity theory and cultural-historical psychology, as well as on original research in other psychological areas. The journal is indexed in prestigious international databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and many others. The journal's authors list is comprised of famous scientists from more than 30 countries.

New issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art", 17(2), 2024!

Dear colleagues!

We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 17(2), 2024 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
