On the 100th anniversary of N.F. Talyzina
The Galperin–Talyzina Method of Psychological Investigation of the Genesis of Cognitive Processes
Playing Online as Preparation for Mathematics: The Cultural-Historical Approach as an Alternative to Constructivism
Teaching in the Light of Activity Theory Applied to Preschool: Reflections on Brazilian Practice
A Dynamic Evaluation of the Process of Solving Mathematical Problems, according to N.F. Talyzina's Method
The Contributions of Nina Fedorovna Talyzina to Research Developed in Brazilian Postgraduate ProgramsHTML1779
Pereira, L.F., Beltrán Núñez, I., Ferreira da Silva, A.L., de Andrade, M.H., Araújo de Melo, F.M., de Faria Oliveira, M.V. (2023). The Contributions of Nina Fedorovna Talyzina to Research Developed in Brazilian Postgraduate Programs. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 16(3), 104–121. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2023.0308
Activity-Based Approach to the Teaching and Psychology of Insightful Problem Solving: Scientific Concepts as a Form of Constructive Criticism
The Deficits of Students’ Orientation in Solving Proportion Problems, as Revealed through Task Modifications