Yury P. Zinchenko

Yury P. Zinchenko

Zinchenko, Yu. P.
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education
Doctor of Psychology
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, Moscow, Russia
  • Trends in the Study of Cultural-historical Phenomena on the Internet (based on a study of Russians’ attitudes towards money)

    Zhuravlev, A.L., Zinchenko, Y.P., Kitova, D.A. (2022). Trends in the Study of Cultural-Historical Phenomena on the Internet (based on a study of Russians’ attitudes towards money). Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(1), 103–119. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2022.0107



  • Conscious Self-Regulation and Self-organization of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Zinchenko, Yu.P., Morosanova, V.I., Kondratyuk, N.G., Fomina, T.G. (2020). Conscious Self-Regulation and Self-organization of Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(4), 168-182.



  • Cognitive Predictors of Success in Learning Russian Among Native Speakers of High School Age in Different Educational Systems

    Verbitskaya, L.A., Zinchenko, Y.P., Malykh, S.B., Gaidamashko, I.V., Kalmyk, O.A., Tikhomirova, T.N. (2020). Cognitive Predictors of Success in Learning Russian Among Native Speakers of High School Age in Different Educational Systems. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(2), 2-15.



  • The study of ethnic attitudes during interactions with avatars in virtual environments

    Menshikova G.Ya., Saveleva O.A., Zinchenko Yu.P. (2018). The study of ethnic attitudes during interactions with avatars in virtual environments. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (1), 20-31.



  • Editorial

    Zinchenko Yu. P. (2017). Editorial. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10 (4), 2-4.



  • Specifics of interpersonal trust among people with different gender identities

    Zinchenko Yu. P., Zotova O. Yu., Tarasova L. V. (2017). Specifics of interpersonal trust among people with different gender identities. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10(2), 134-148.



  • Editorial

    Horne Sh. G., Zinchenko Yu. P. (2017). Editorial. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10 (2), 2-4.



  • Biobanking — a new environment for psychological research and applications

    Bryzgalina E.V., Ryzhov A.L., Tikhomandritskaya O.A., Tkhostov A.S., Zinchenko Yu. P. (2017). Biobanking — a new environment for psychological research and applications. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10(1), 163-177.



  • Editorial

    Zinchenko Yu. P. (2017). Editorial. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10 (1), 2-3.



  • Face cognition in humans: Psychophysiological, developmental, and cross-cultural aspects

    Chernorizov A. M., Zhong-qing J., Petrakova A. V., Zinchenko Yu. P. (2016). Face cognition in humans: Psychophysiological, developmental, and cross-cultural aspects. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(4), 37-50.



  • Psychophysiological methods for the diagnostics of human functional states: New approaches and perspectives

    Chernorizov A. M., Isaychev S. A., Zinchenko Yu. P., Znamenskaya I. A., Zakharov P. N., Khakhalin A. V., Gradoboeva O. N., Galatenko V. V. (2016). Psychophysiological methods for the diagnostics of human functional states: New approaches and perspectives. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(4), 23-36.



  • Editorial

    Zinchenko Yu. P. (2016). Editorial. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(4), 2-3.



  • Psychological resources of modern Russian adolescents’ resilience to violence in the educational environment

    Baeva I. A., Zinchenko Yu. P., Laptev V. V. (2016). Psychological resources of modern Russian adolescents’ resilience to violence in the educational environment. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(3), 159-172.



  • Editorial

    Zinchenko Yu. P. (2016). Editorial. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(3), 2-3.



  • The contamination of young people’s notions about narcotics and psychoactive substances as a threat to psychological security

    Zinchenko Yu. P., Zotova O. Yu., Tarasova L.V., Gaidamashko I. V. (2016). The contamination of young people’s notions about narcotics and psychoactive substances as a threat to psychological security. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 9(2), 39-53.



Yuri Petrovich Zinchenko is full professor in the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. He earned a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Moscow State University in 1998. He is dean of the Faculty of Psychology and chair of Department of Methodology of Psychology at Moscow State University.

He is member of the Russian Academy of Education; president of the Russian Psychological Society; head clinical psychologist in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; member of Lomonosov MSU Academic Board; president of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Psychology (Lomonosov MSU); president of MSU Dissertation Committee D501.001.15; member of the Commission for Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences; chairman of the Psychological Section of the Education Board for Classical University Education of Russia; deputy chairman of the Psychology Expert Board of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles at Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation); Honorary President of the Society of Law Enforcement Agencies’ Docteur Honoris Causa (Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal); Psychologists; member of a number of scientific and methodological commissions and expert boards of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Management and Natural Disasters Response, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

He is member of the Presidium of IUPsyS under UNESCO; member of the IAAP administration; member of the EFPA Executive Council; Honorary Member of the Human Science Center at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; Honorary Professor at the University Paris III (Sorbonne), France.

Dr. Zinchenko is a well-known scientist in Russia and abroad specializing in the methodology of psychology and the psychology of safety. He has successfully developed and applied Lev S. Vygotsky’s Cultural-Historical approach to fundamental psychological research from the perspective of postnonclassical methodology; applied this approach in several branches of psychological research, including the psychology of safety and counter-terrorism; together with academician Viktor A. Sadovnichy, suggested and used supercomputer calculations to process data packages and formalize patterns of functional state of human under extreme conditions; was the first scientist in Russia to have used the technologies of virtual reality (CAVE format) in psychological research; developed scientific and methodological recommendations on the implementation of safety practices aimed at preventing youth from getting involved in terrorist activities; developed a dynamic model of the psychological security of person and society; studied issues related to the ethics of conducting psychological research and psychological practice.

Dr. Zinchenko delivers lectures on the methodology of psychology, health psychology, psychology of safety and psychology of terrorism; has supervised two Drs. Sc. and 10 Cands. Sc. to date; was Head of the project “Developing a System of Innovative Education at Lomonosov MSU in the Field of Psychology” (part of the federal project Education), within the framework of which innovative programs of training masters in the psychology of safety and the psychology of negotiations and conflict resolution were launched. He has developed the Third Generation of Federal State Educational Standards for such special fields as “Theoretical and Experimental Psychology”, “Occupational Psychology”, “Clinical Psychology”, as well as for programs of training masters in psychology and the program of senior managers in the field of psychology of public service.

Dr. Zinchenko supervised the following scientific projects backed with grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: “Conducting Fundamental Research in Psychology” (2009), “Elaboration of Innovation Methods of Research, Educational and Practical Activity of Psychologist with Application of Virtual Reality Technologies” (2009-2011), “Methodological Issues of Applying Modern IT to Psychology of Safety” (2010-2012), “Developing a Methodological Basis for Modeling Psychological and Psycophysiological Mechanisms of Human's Functional State through the Use of Supercomputers” (2011-2012). He headed the following research projects: “Socio-psychological Methods and Models of Increasing Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorist Activities” (2005-2006), “Psychological Methods and Models of Increasing Effectiveness of Counter-Terrorist Activities in Changing Russia” (2006-2008), “Methodological Bases of Virtual Reality Applications in Psychology” (2009-2011), “Tolerance as a Factor of Countering Xenophobia” (2010).

He was backed with a grant within the framework of the International Program of Russian-Swiss Scientific Collaboration (a research project “Executive functions in Preterm Born Children: Cognitive, Neuronal and Behavioral Aspects”, 2010-2011).

Dr. Zinchenko headed the following research projects in the field of health psychology carried out under the auspices of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization “The League of National Health”: “Health Psychology: Innovations in Science, Education and Practice” (2006-2007), “The First Open All-Russian Student Competition of Social Advertising and Social Projects “Russia without Tobacco” (2009), “Psychological Support of Rehabilitation and Drug Addiction Prevention” (2011-2012).

Dr. Zinchenko has founded a scientific school rewarded with a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the federal support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation. The school’s projects have been supported by the Federal Special Program “Scientific and Academic Staff in Innovative Russia for 2009-2013”.

He has over 180 scholarly publications, including those in foreign languages and is author and co-author of 46 books.

Dr. Zinchenko is the Editor-in-Chief of a number leading psychological journals: “Russian Psychological Journal”, “National Psychological Journal”, “The Moscow University Herald. Series 14. Psychology”, annual “Psychology in Russia: State of the Art”, and a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Methodology and History of Psychology”, “Psychology and Natural Science”, “Psychology and Social Studies”, “Cognitive Science”, “Bulletin of Practical Educational Psychology”, “Forensic Psychology”, “The World of Psychology”, “Bulletin of South Ural State University. Series “Psychology”, “Siberian Psychological Journal”. He is the Executive Editor of the series “Classical MSU University Textbook”, a member of the Scientific Editorial Board of the publishing house Ekonomika and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Russian Academy of Education.

Dr. Zinchenko has been decorated with the medals “In honor of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” and “For Cooperation between Rescue Services”. He is the Russian Government Education Award recipient and Honored Fellow of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.     

Selected Publications


(2015) Psychology of securit. Textbook. Moscow: Urait (co-author with A.Dontsov, E.Perelygina, & O.Zotova).

(2013) "Lomonosov" school competition in psychology: methodological recommendations. Moscow: KDU (co-author with Volodarskaya I.A., Matyushkina A.A., & Shilko R.S.).

(2012). Vygotsky, une théorie du développement et de l'éducation: recueil de textes et commentaires (Y.Zinchenko, & F.Yvon, Eds.). Moscow: MSU.

(2012). Macro-psychological aspects of Russia Security. Moscow: Optimum Group (co-author with A.Dontsov, E.Perelygina, & O.Zotova).

(2011). Methodological Issues of Security Psychology. Personality, Society, State. Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Psychology of Virtual Reality. Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Psychology of Public Service. Moscow: MSU (co-author with A.Soroko, A.Potapkin, &V.Fiveisky).

(2011). Sport Psychology. Moscow: MSU (co-author with A. Tonevitsky, A.Veraksa, S.Isaythchev, S.Leonov, et al.).

(2011). Theoretical and methodological foundation of psychological research: determination and social value. Moscow.

(2011). Tolerance as a Factor of Opposition to Xenophobia: Control of Xenophobia Risks in the Risk Society (Ed.). Moscow.

(2011). The person as a subject and an object of Media-Psychology (Ed.). Moscow: MSU

(2010). Security Foundation of Personality and Society. Moscow.

(2010). Psychology of Corporation Security. Moscow (co-author with E.Perelygina, I.Busygina, &O.Zotova).

(2008). Information and Psychological Security in Mass media. Moscow: Aspect Press.

(2008). Foundation of Security Psychology: functionality and integrity. Yekaterinburg (co-author with V.Gratchev, L. Zaks, et al.).

(2008). Contemporary Image of Russia: development prospects. Moscow (co-author with A.Otchirova, &L.Matveeva).

(2008). Philosophy of social sciences and humanities. Moscow: Academitchesky Project (co-author with V.Kapitsin, S.Lebedev, V.Ilyin, L.Ionin, et al.).

(2007). Innovational Education Programs in Psychology. Moscow: MSU (co-author with I.Volodarskaya).

(2007). Psychology in Moscow University, 1755-2005. Moscow: MSU.

(2007). Contemporary terrorism and struggle against it: social- humanitarian dimensions. Moscow (co-author with S.Aphonin, R.Shilko, et al.).

(2003). Clinical Psychology of Sexuality in the Context of Cultural-Historical Approach. Moscow.

Chapters in Books

(2012). Methodological issues of Art Psychology: from semiotic classics to postmodern nonclassics. In Collection of articles on art, philology and history (pp.129-139), Moscow: MSU.

(2012). L'héritage vygotskien dans la psychologie du développement en Union Soviétique. In Y.Zinchenko & F.Yvon (Eds.), Vygotsky, une théorie du développement et de l'éducation (pp.319-334). Moscow: MSU (co-author with L. Chaiguerova).

(2012). Vie et œuvres de L.S.Vygotsky: un parcours vers la psychologie culturelle-historique. In Y.Zinchenko & F.Yvon (Eds.), Vygotsky, une théorie du développement et de l'éducation (pp.27-60). Moscow: MSU (co-author with L.Chaiguerova & F.Yvon).

(2012). Virtualisation of reality and cultures: risks of socialisation in globalised world. In Dialog of Cultures during Globalisation. V.1 (pp.92-94). Saint-Petersburg.

(2012). Methodological foundation of application of virtual reality and super-calculators in psychology. In The V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (pp.402-404). Moscow.

(2012). The Methodology of Syndrome Analysis of Vygotsky-Luria Approach and Postnonclassic Rationality. In N.K.Korsakova, &Yu.V.Mikadze (Eds.). Heritage of A.R.Luria in the contemporary scientific and cultural-historical context: To the 110 anniversary of A.R.Luria (pp.37-69). Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Models and Methods of Increasing of Information Security and Diagnostics of Xenophobia Risks in the Real and Virtual Worlds. In Tolerance as a factor of opposition to xenophobia: Control of Xenophobia Risks in the Risk Society (pp. 409-480). Moscow (co-author with L. Chaiguerova, R.Shilko, &A.Voiskunsky, et al.).

(2011). Virtual reality in experimental psychology: about methodology. In Yu.Zinchenko (Ed.). The person as a subject and an object of Media-Psychology (Ed.) (pp.58-75). Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Virtualisation of reality: from psychological tools to a new subculture. In Yu. Zinchenko (Ed.). The person as a subject and an object of Media-Psychology (Ed.) (pp.231-278). Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Mass media as an effective tool of prevention against social-psychological factors of development of terrorism. In Yu. Zinchenko (Ed.). The person as a subject and an object of Media-Psychology (Ed.) (pp.575-594). Moscow: MSU.

(2011). Coping Strategies. In A.Bodalev (Ed.) Psychology of Communication. Encyclopaedic dictionary (pp.409-410). Moscow: Cogito-Centre (co-author with R.Shilko).

(2011). Role of Mass Media in struggle against the terrorism. In Diplomatic Yearbook (pp.143-172). Moscow: East-West.

(2011). Virtual reality technologies: theory, practice and application to sport. In Yu.P.Zinchenko, &Tonevitsky (eds.). Sport Psychology (pp.377-392). Moscow: MSU.

(2008). Topical issues of security in the information space. In Informational and Psychological Safety (pp.9-14). Moscow: Aspect Press (co-author with E.Vartanova).

(2008). Psychological Aspects of Informational Security and opposition to terrorism by means of mass media. In Informational and Psychological Safety (pp.199-226). Moscow: Aspect Press (co-author with R.Shilko).

(2006). Psychological Aspects in Research of Terrorism. In Security, Terrorism and Privacy in Information Society (pp.123-126). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann Verlag (co-author with R.Shilko).

(2006). Classification of psychological disorders. In Psychological lexicon: encyclopedia in 6 vol., V.1 (pp.15-18). Moscow: Per Se (co-author with R.Shilko).

(2006). Philosophical and methodological issues of psychology. In Philosophy of social sciences and humanities (pp.523-567). Moscow: Academitchesky project.

(2003). Clinical Psychology as a tool of study of sexual disorders. Bulletin of Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies (pp.49-55). Moscow.

(2001). Pathopsychological aspects of PTSD. In Psychologists on Migrants and Migration in Russia. Information and Analytical Bulletin of the Russian Red Cross, №3 (pp.10-18). Moscow.

(1993). Sexualité en psychanalyse . In Archives de Psychanalyse (pp.21-25). Paris: Eolia.

(1992). Evolution of Concept "Symptom". In Unconscious: its manifestation and forms (pp.41-49). Moscow.