Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2020, 3

Volume 13 (03)
Volume 13 (03)
Clinical psychology
Distress Screening in Russian Pediatric Oncology: Adaptation and Validation of the Distress Rating Scale
Elaborating Screening Scales for Early Diagnosis of Developmental Delay in Five- to Six-Year-Old Children in Russia
Beck’s Personality Beliefs Questionnaire: Evidence of Validity and Reliability of the Russian Version
Organizational psychology
A Pilot Study to Assess the Psychometric Properties of the Job Apathy Scale with Russian Employees
Who Benefits from Environmental Identity? Studying Environmental Identity and Mental Wellbeing in Russia
Social psychology
The Relationship Between Human Values and Acceptability of Corruption in Russia and Greece
Practical Universalism and Multiple Social Categorization: Can Different Social Biases Counterbalance Each Other?
Educational psychology
The Construct Validity of the Russian Version of the Modified Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-A) among Elementary and Middle School Children
Perceived Paternal Attitudes Predict Test Anxiety Beyond the Effect of Neuroticism: A Study in the Context of University Entrance Examination in TurkeyPDF HTML4038
Akyunus, M., Canbolat, F., Altınoğlu-Dikmeer, I., Koca-Atabey, M. (2020). Perceived Paternal Attitudes Predict Test Anxiety Beyond the Effect of Neuroticism: A Study in the Context of University Entrance Examination in Turkey. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(3), 3-15.
‘Diagnosis of Basic Learning Skills Task Battery’ Modified for Engineering Students