Psychometric Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Identity Distress Scale in Ecuadorian Emerging Adults
Summary Graphs Covary with Reading and Language Comprehension in School-age Children in the Spanish Language
Post-pandemic Work Motivation, Work Behavior and Psychic Structure in University Professors
Internationalization and Collaboration in Colombian Psychology During 2014–2023: A Bibliometric AnalysisPDF HTML573
Bustos Navarrete, C., Villota Castillo, L., Sarmiento Quiñones, A., Rojas Rodríguez, I., Sandoval Moreno, L. (2024). Internationalization and Collaboration in Colombian Psychology During 2014–2023: A Bibliometric Analysis, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(4), 60–84. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0404
What does Psychological Well-being Mean for Mexican Late Adolescents? A Study with Natural Semantic Networks in the Post-pandemic EraPDF HTML653
García-Avitia, C.A., Pérez-Ruvalcaba, S.L., Márquez-González, C.V. (2024). What does Psychological Well-being Mean for Mexican Late Adolescents? A Study with Natural Semantic Networks in the Post-pandemic Era, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(4), 23–38. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0402
Parental Engagement in Early Literacy: A Qualitative Exploration of Practices and Beliefs in Northern Mexico
Coexistence and Social Exclusion of Venezuelan Migrants in Lima, Perú: A Psychosocial Approach
Dyadic Interactions, Communication and Regulation Skills: Associations with Screen Use in Toddlers from Buenos AiresPDF HTML619
Gago-Galvagno, L.G., Castillo, M.P., Fernandez, M.A., Tabullo, A.J., Miller, S.E., Elgier, A.M., Azzollini, S.C. (2024). Dyadic Interactions, Communication and Regulation Skills: Associations with Screen Use in Toddlers from Buenos Aires, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(4), 39–59. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0403
The Association Between Social Desirability and Competitive Anxiety in Young Football Players with Different Qualifications
Analysis of Eye and Head Tracking Movements During a Puck-Hitting Task in Ice Hockey Players, Compared to Wrestlers and ControlsPDF HTML2718
Polikanova, I.S., Sabaev, D.D., Bulaeva, N.I., Panfilova, E.A., Leonov, S.V., Bugriy, G.S., Bespalov, B.I., Kruchinina, A.P., (2024). Analysis of Eye and Head Tracking Movements During a Puck-Hitting Task in Ice Hockey Players, Compared to Wrestlers and Controls, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 63–80. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0305
Agentic Self-regulation of Capoeira Athletes of Different Sports Qualifications
Assessing Motivational Factors in Young Serbian Athletes: A Validation Study of the Sport Motivation Scale-II
Development and Psychometric Properties of Coping Scales towards Adherence to Pharmacological Treatment, Heart-healthy Eating and Cardiovascular Physical ExercisePDF HTML2522
Flores-Mendoza, J.B., García Méndez, M., Bravo Doddoli, A., Díaz-Loving, R. (2024). Development and Psychometric Properties of Coping Scales towards Adherence to Pharmacological Treatment, Heart-healthy Eating and Cardiovascular Physical Exercise, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(3), 96–112. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0307
“I Am a Football Player and/or a Girl”: Psychosemantics of Self-Consciousness among Teenage Female Football Players
Competitive Anxiety and Mood States in High-Performance Cuban Student Athletes
Winners or Losers? Two Academic Years in Experiences of COVID-19 Pandemic
Career Orientations of Pre-Service Teachers: Exploring the Influence of Different Types of Universities
Classifying the Perception of Difficult Life Tasks: Machine Learning and/or Modeling of Logical Processes
The Emotional Intelligence of the GPT-4 Large Language Model
The Features of Modeling Mediation in Digital Support for Formation of Multiplicative Concepts