Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2019, 2

Volume 12 (02)
Volume 12 (02)
Personality Psychology from a Contemporary Perspective
Guest editors:
Aldert Vrij (UK)
Aldert Vrij (UK)
Using the Model Statement Technique as a Lie Detection Tool: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
Tolerance, Empathy, and Aggression as Factors in Compliance with Rules of Online Communication by Russian Adolescents, Young Adults, and Parents
The Level of Multidimensional Perfectionism and Motivational Orientation among Undergraduate Students
World Assumptions and Youth Identity as Predictors of Social Activity Preferences
Homesickness, Locus of Control and Social Support among First-Year Boarding-School Students
Development of a Russian Version of the MindTime Profile Inventory: The Measurement of Past, Present, and Future Thinking in a Russian Sample