Volume 11, Issue 3 2018
Methodology of psychology
Social psychology
National Identity Management Strategies: Do they Help or Hinder Adoption of Multiculturalism in Russia?
Basic Values in Russia: Their Dynamics, Ethnocultural Differences, and Relation to Economic Attitudes
Personal Sovereignty in Adolescents and Youth from Armenia, China, and Russia
Organizational psychology
The Impact of Organizational and Personal Factors on Procrastination in Employees of a Modern Russian Industrial Enterprise
Tolerance and Intolerance for Uncertainty as Predictors of Decision Making and Risk Acceptance in Gaming Strategies of the Iowa Gambling Task
Clinical psychology
From Fundamental Principles of Memory Organisation Towards Neurorehabilitation: A Literature Review and Case Report
Maternal Communicative Behavior as a Factor in the Development of Communication in Children with Down Syndrome
Intimate Partner Violence: An Overview of the Existing Theories, Conceptual Frameworks, and Definitions
Developmental psychology
Developmental Change in Full- and Preterm Infants between the Ages of Three and Nine Months in Institutions with Different Caregiving EnvironmentsPDF HTML4243
Muhamedrahimov R.J., Chernego D.I., Vasilyeva M.J., Palmov O.I., Vershinina E.A., Nikiforova N.V., McCall R.B., Groark C.J. (2018) Developmental Change in Full- and Preterm Infants between the Ages of Three and Nine Months in Institutions with Different Caregiving Environments. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (3), 152-167
Adolescent Vandalism: the Role of the Parent-Child Relationship in the Development of Destructive Behavior
Specific Features of the Relationships between Operational Structures within Preschoolers’ Systems of Thought