Toy Preferences among 3-to-4-Year-Old Children: The Impact of Socio-Demographic Factors and Developmental Characteristics
Coping Strategies During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Self-Determination: A Review of Russian Studies
Verbal Abilities: Sex Differences in Children at Different Ages
Medically Unexplained Symptoms among Adults from Russia: An Assessment Using the Patient Health Questionnaire-15
The Relationship Between Perceived Discrimination, Acculturation Attitudes, and Adaptation among Anglophone African Immigrants in Russia: The Moderating Role of NeuroticismPDF HTML2693
Ivande, S.K., Ryabinchenko, T. (2023). The Relationship Between Perceived Discrimination, Acculturation Attitudes, and Adaptation among Anglophone African Immigrants in Russia: The Moderating Role of Neuroticism. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 16(1), 77-98. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2023.0105
Determinants of Russian Attitudes Toward a Green Economy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Exploring the Associations between Happiness, Life-satisfaction, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation among Adults during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in RussiaPDF HTML2332
Kornienko, D.S., Rudnova, N.A. (2023). Exploring the Associations between Happiness, Life-satisfaction, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation among Adults during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 16(1), 99–113. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2023.0106
Social Axioms and Individual Values as Predictors of COVID-19 Fear among University Students from Countries with Different Government Strategies for Managing the PandemicPDF HTML2794
Murashcenkova, N.V. (2023). Social Axioms and Individual Values as Predictors of COVID-19 Fear among University Students from Countries with Different Government Strategies for Managing the Pandemic. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 16(1), 44-65. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2023.0103
Bilingualism and Development of Literacy in Children: A Systematic Review
Psychometric Analysis of Two Brief Versions of the CERQ in the Argentinean population: CERQ-18 and CERQ-27PDF HTML2524
Dominguez-Lara, S., Moretti, L., Flores-Kanter, P.E., Muñoz-Navarro, R., Medrano, L.A. (2023). Psychometric Analysis of Two Brief Versions of the CERQ in the Argentinean population: CERQ-18 and CERQ-27. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 16(1), 26–43. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2023.0102
A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications on Cultural-Historical Psychology from 2010 to 2020: Dynamics, Geography, and Key IdeasPDF HTML2896
Meshcheryakov, B.G., Ponomareva, V.V., Shvedovskaya, A.A.(2022). A Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Publications on Cultural-Historical Psychology from 2010 to 2020: Dynamics, Geography, and Key Ideas. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(4), 188–214. DOI: 10.11621/ pir.2022.0412
Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms, Distress, and Optimism in Mexican Colorectal Cancer PatientsPDF HTML2388
Acevedo-Ibarra, J.N., Juárez-García, D.M., Espinoza-Velazco, A., Buenaventura- Cisneros, S., Téllez, A. (2022). Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms, Distress, and Optimism in Mexican Colorectal Cancer Patients. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(4), 127–139. DOI: 10.11621/ pir.2022.0408
The Manifestation of Incidental Findings in Different Experimental Visual Search Paradigms
Effectiveness of Different Teaching Resources for Forming the Concept of Magnitude in Older Preschoolers with Varied Levels of Executive FunctionsPDF HTML2870
Veraksa, A.N., Sidneva, A.N., Aslanova, M.S., Plotnikova, V.A.(2022). Effectiveness of Different Teaching Resources for Forming the Concept of Magnitude in Older Preschoolers with Varied Levels of Executive Functions. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(4), 62–82. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2022.0405
The Action “Wanted!”: The Concept of Valency during the Early Steps of Mastering Chemistry
Conscious Self-regulation, Motivational Factors, and Personality Traits as Predictors of Students’ Academic Performance: A Linear Empirical ModelPDF HTML3126
Morosanova, V.I., Bondarenko, I.N., Fomina, T.G. (2022). Conscious Self-regulation, Motivational Factors, and Personality Traits as Predictors of Students’ Academic Performance: A Linear Empirical Model. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(4), 170–187. DOI: 10.11621/ pir.2022.0411
Recognition of Emotional and Neutral Visual Scenes in Carriers of the MAOA, COMT, DRD4, and 5HT2A Gene PolymorphismsPDF HTML1869
Ermakov, P.N., Vorobyeva, E.V., Denisova, E.G., Yavna, D.V., Babenko, V.V., Kovsh, E.M., Alekseeva, D.S. (2022). Recognition of Emotional and Neutral Visual Scenes in Carriers of the MAOA, COMT, DRD4, and 5HT2A Gene Polymorphisms. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 15(4), 159–169. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2022.0410
The Development and Psychometric Characteristics of the “Virtual Identity of Social Media Users” Test