An Existential Criterion for the Normal and Abnormal Personality in the Works of Viktor Frankl. Summary
A Russian Version of the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression Scale: Validation with a Female Online Sample
Task Switching in Normal Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Diffusion Model Analysis of Reaction TimesPDF HTML3444
Velichkovsky, B.B., Tatarinov, D.V., Khlebnikova, A.A., Roshchina, I.F., Selezneva, N.D., Gavrilova, S.I. (2020). Task Switching in Normal Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Diffusion Model Analysis of Reaction Times. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(2), 109-120.
Validation of Emotional Thermometers as Screening Tools for Mexican Patients Undergoing Breast Biopsies
EEG Patterns in Early Childhood Differ Between Children Prone To Reward “Bad” or “Good” Actors
Diagnosing Human Psychoemotional States by Combining Psychological and Psychophysiological Methods with Measurements of Infrared and THz Radiation from Face AreasPDF HTML4412
Berlovskaya, E.E.,Isaуchev, S.A., Chernorizov, A.M., Ozheredov, I.A., Adamovich, T.V., Isaуchev, E.S., … Manaenkov, A.E. (2020). Diagnosing Human Psychoemotional States by Combining Psychological and Psychophysiological Methods with Measurements of Infrared and THz Radiation from Face Areas. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(2), 64-83
The Influence of the Polymorphism of BDNF, HTR2A, and COMT Genes on the Perception of Emotionally Charged Images
How Do Primary Schoolchildren Use Concept Definitions in Recognition Tasks? Orientation Towards Given Knowledge in Two Different Educational SystemsPDF HTML3522
Sidneva, A.N., Vysotskaya, E.V., Korotaeva, I.V., Mozharovsky, I.L., Shinelis, V.A. (2020) How Do Primary Schoolchildren Use Concept Definitions in Recognition Tasks? Orientation Towards Given Knowledge in Two Different Educational Systems. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(2), 29-64.
Cognitive Processes and Personality Traits in Virtual Reality Educational and Training
Cognitive Predictors of Success in Learning Russian Among Native Speakers of High School Age in Different Educational SystemsPDF HTML3785
Verbitskaya, L.A., Zinchenko, Y.P., Malykh, S.B., Gaidamashko, I.V., Kalmyk, O.A., Tikhomirova, T.N. (2020). Cognitive Predictors of Success in Learning Russian Among Native Speakers of High School Age in Different Educational Systems. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 13(2), 2-15.
Psychological Rehabilitation of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases by Correction of Cognitive Impairment
Representations of Medical Risks and Their Connection to Different Personal Characteristics of Doctors and Medical Students
Ethical Issues of Psychological Expert Testimony in Child Custody Cases: A Comparison of Ethical Approaches
A Little Lie Never Hurt Anyone: Attitudes toward Various Types of Lies over the Lifespan
Ethical and Moral Levels in the Functioning of the Personality of the Educational Psychologist