Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2009, 640 p.
Theory, History, and Methodology of Psychology
Les Aspects Methodologiques des Rapports entre Concepts du Signe et du Symbole dans la Theorie Historico-Culturelle de L.S. Vygotski
Personality and Self-regulation as Determinants of Rational Decision Making in a Political Voting Situation
"Great Ideas" in Russian Psychology: Personality Impact on Psychophysiological Functions and Causal Approach to Self-determination
Problems of Education, Development, and Clinical Practice
Academic Achievement in College: the Predictive Value of Subjective Evaluations of Intelligence and Academic Self-concept
Applied Psychological Research
Mass media as an Effective Tool for Prevention of Socio-psychological Factors in the Development of Terrorism