Volume 10, Issue 2, 2017.

Special Issue: Psychology of Sexual and Gender Identity
Guest editors:
Sharon Horne (USA)
Sharon Horne (USA)
Special section: "Psychology of sexual and gender identity"
The reliability and validity of a Russian version of the Lesbian Internalized Homophobia Scale
Attitudes toward gay and lesbian individuals in Russia: An exploration of the interpersonal contact hypothesis and personality factor
Autobiographical memory in transsexual individuals who have undergone genderaffirming surgery: Vivid, self-focused, but not so happy childhood memories
Developing an affirmative position statement on sexual and gender diversity for psychology professionals in South Africa
Gender-related individual differences
Androgyny in dentists: The contribution of masculinity and femininity to mental health and well-being
Social psychology
Changing the image of a conflict situation while training school students in mediation skills
Clinical psychology
The dynamics of the cognitive functioning and emotional state of cardiac patients during rehabilitation after coronary revascularization
The effect of hypnotherapy on the quality of life in women with breast cancer