Volume 10, Issue 4, 2017.

Special Issue: Contemporary Childhood Research
Educational psychology
Dependence of success in foreign language acquisition at primary school age on reaction type and cognitive control
Comprehension of idiomatic expressions by Russian speaking typically developing children
Psychological and socio-cultural adaptation of international journalism students in Russia: The role of communication skills in the adaptation process
The interrelationship between cognitive control and academic success of first-year students: An interdisciplinary study
Embodied finger counting in children with different cultural backgrounds and hand dominance
Social psychology
Socio-cultural differences in the self-descriptions of two groups of Azerbaijanian students learning in the Russian and Azerbaijani languages
Runaway behavior among children in residential care in St. Petersburg: A qualitative study
Virtual reality
Creativity in online gaming: Individual and dyadic performance in Minecraft
Clinical psychology
An inner picture of health as a factor in changing a child’s behavior to health-promoting behavior
Well-being in adults
The subjective well-being of a person as a prism of personal and socio-psychological characteristics
Regulatory and personality predictors of the reliability of professional actions