Volume 11, Issue 4 2018

Special Issue: Education and Human Development
Guest editors:
Yulia Kovas (UK)
Yulia Kovas (UK)
Education and human development
Effortful Control in Primary Schoolchildren: Links with Personality, Problem Behaviour, Academic Achievement, and Subjective Well-Being
Academic Motivation of Elementary School Children in Two Educational Approaches — Innovative and Traditional
Comparing Spatial Ability of Male and Female Students Completing Humanities vs. Technical Degrees
Spouses’ Psychological States and Family Relations in Families with Natural and Induced PregnanciesPDF HTML3805
Bokhan T. G., Terekhina O. V., ShabalovskayaM. V., Leshchinskaia S. B., Silaeva A. V., Naku E. A., Selita F., Agarkova L. A. (2018). Spouses’ Psychological States and Family Relations in Families with Natural and Induced Pregnancies. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (4), 50-67.
To Tell or Not to Tell: The Ethics and Law of Disclosing Health-Related Genetic Information to Family Members
The Role of Mathematical and Trait Anxiety in Mental Fatigue: an EEG Investigation
Language Proficiency in Preschool Children with Different Levels of Executive Function
The Role of Emotional Schemas in Anxiety and Depression among Russian Medical Students
From Rare Mutations to Normal Variation: Genetic Association Study of Mathematical, Spatial, and General Cognitive Abilities
Elaboration of Screening Scales for Early Diagnosis of Developmental Delay in Four- to Five-Year-Old Children in Russia
Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Predictors of the Unified State Exam Performance of Students from Schools with Regular and Advanced Mathematical CurriculaPDF HTML5241
Voronin I. A., Ovcharova O. N., Bezrukova E. M, Kovas Yu. (2018). Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Predictors of the Unified State Exam Performance of Students from Schools with Regular and Advanced Mathematical Curricula. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 11 (4), 177-199.
Personality psychology
Gender Differences in Interactions with Avatars of Diverse Ethnic Appearances
Development of Parental Competence Through Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Families in the Upbringing of Hearing-Impaired Children