Educational Fund “Talent and success”, Centre “Sirius”,
Sochi, Russia.
Elusive Sources for Gender Differences in Spatial Ability: The Role of Personality, Spatial Interests, and Everyday BehavioursHTML247
Tsigeman, E.S., Bartseva, K.V., Alenina, E.A., Soldatova, E.L., Kovas, Yu.V., Likhanov, M.V. (2025). Elusive Sources for Gender Differences in Spatial Ability: The Role of Personality, Spatial Interests, and Everyday Behaviours, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 18(1), 00-00. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2025.0103
Background. After decades of research, gender differences in spatial abilities (SA) remain poorly understood. Among factors that may contribute to these differences are self-perceived SA, inclinations, everyday behaviour and interests in SA-related activities, and related personality characteristics. In order to understand these links, a multifactorial approach is needed.
Objective. This study explored the relationships among SA, spatial interests, and personality among adolescent boys and girls.
Design. The study recruited 660 participants (mean age = 15.04, SD = 1.08; 48% females) from public schools. Participants contributed data on a battery of SA tests; 8 personality traits: Big Five and Dark Triad; as well as SA-related activities: spatial interests and school commute information (mode and time) as a proxy for everyday spatial behaviour.
Results. Weak-to-moderate mean gender differences were observed: males scored higher on spatial ability, spatial interests, machiavellianism, and psychopathy; and females on agreeableness, openness to experience, and neuroticism. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed some gender differences in associations among personality traits and SA. In males, openness to experience and conscientiousness were significantly related to SA test performance. In females, openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, and machiavellianism contributed to SA performance. Although spatially-related interests were linked to SA, they were not significantly predicted by personality traits. Everyday spatial behaviour showed no relationship with personality traits or SA.
Conclusion. The study replicated patterns of gender differences in spatial ability, spatial interests, and personality reported in previous literature. The results showed differential links between personality traits and spatial ability for males and females. However, the overall amount of variance explained in spatial ability was very small, suggesting that other factors are more prominent sources of gender differences in spatial ability.
Keywords: Big Five/ personality/ Dark Triad/ spatial ability/ spatial interest
The Factorial Structure of Spatial Abilities in Russian and Chinese StudentsLikhanov, M.V.; Ismatullina, V.I.; Rimfeld, K.; Esipenko, E.A.; Sharafieva, K.R.; Feklicheva, I.V.; Chipeeva, N.A.; Budakova, A.V.; Soldatova, E.L.; Maslennikova, E.P.; Fenin, A.Y.; Wei, Wei.; Zhou, X.; Kovas, Yu.V.
Background. Recent research has suggested a unifactorial structure of spatial ability (SA). However, further studies are needed to replicate this finding in different populations.
Objective. is study aims to explore the factorial structure of SA in samples of 921 Russian and 229 Chinese university students.
Design. A gamified spatial abilities battery was administered to all participants. e battery consists of 10 different domains of SA, including 2D and 3D visualization, mental rotation, spatial pattern assembly, spatial relations, spatial planning, mechanical reasoning, spatial orientation, and spatial decision-making speed and flexibility.
Results. The results of the factor analysis showed a somewhat different pattern for different samples. In the Russian sample, the unifactorial structure, shown previously in a large UK sample (Rimfeld et al., 2017), was replicated. A single factor explained 40% of the variance. In the Chinese sample two factors emerged: the first factor explained 26% of the variance and the second factor, including only mechanical reasoning and cross-sections tests, explained 14%. e results also showed that the Chinese sample significantly outperformed the Russian sample in five out of the 10 tests. Russian students showed better performance in only two of the tests. The effects of all group comparisons were small.
Conclusion. Overall, a similar amount of variance in the 10 tests was explained in the two samples, replicating results from the UK sample. Future research is needed to explain the observed differences in the structure of SA.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2018.0407
Keywords: spatial ability (SA), factorial structure, Russian and Chinese students
The Role of Mathematical and Trait Anxiety in Mental Fatigue: an EEG Investigation
Background. Mental fatigue is a state of tiredness, decreased motivation, and increased aversion to performing a task. Mental fatigue is associated with the length of engagement in an activity (time-on-task) and the degree of cognitive e ort required. In addition, mental fatigue can be affected by personality characteristics, such as trait or domain-specific anxiety. ere is a lack of research into associations between mental fatigue and trait anxiety, as well as specific types of anxiety such as math anxiety.
Objective. This study investigates whether the level of mental fatigue manifested in an EEG taken during the performance of a mixed problem-solving task, is associated with math and trait anxiety.
Design. An EEG recording was performed on participants in a resting state with their eyes closed in two runs, both before and after they performed a task. e task consisted of three types of stimuli: arithmetic, algebraic, and lexical.
Results. The results showed that the EEG correlates of fatigue changed be- tween the first and second runs. These changes were not linked with mathematics anxiety. Some significant EEG effects were found for trait anxiety: people with high trait anxiety appeared more aroused and showed less fatigue effects. However, these results did not reach the level of significance after correction for multiple comparisons.
Conclusion. Overall, our results are in line with the motivational control theory, according to which mental fatigue “resets” when a person switches from one task to another. In our study, the experimental paradigm consisted of three types of tasks, a format which might have prevented fatigue. We discuss the implications of the study for further research into the links between anxiety and mental fatigue.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2018.0406
Keywords: Mathematics anxiety (MA), trait anxiety (TA), EEG, mental fatigue
Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and SportsBudakova, A.V.; Likhanov, M.V.; Toivainen, T.; Zhurbitskiy, A.V.; Sitnikova, M.A.; Bezrukova, E.M.; Kovas, Yu.V.PDF HTML5082
Budakova, A.V., Likhanov, M.V., Toivainen, T., Zhurbitskiy, A.V., Sitnikova, E.O., Bezrukova, E.M., Kovas, Yu. (2021). Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and Sports. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(2), 59-85. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0205
Background. Spatial ability (SA) is a robust predictor of academic and occupational achievement. The present study investigated the psychometric properties of 10 tests for measuring of SA in a sample of talented schoolchildren.
Objective. Our purpose was to identify the most suitable measurements for SA for the purpose of talent identification, educational assessment, and support.
Design. Our sample consisted of 1479 schoolchildren who had demonstrated high achievement in Science, Arts, or Sports. Several criteria were applied to evaluate the measurements, including an absence of floor and ceiling effects, low redundancy, high reliability, and external validity.
Results. Based on these criteria, we included the following four tests in an Online Short Spatial Ability Battery “OSSAB”: Pattern Assembly; Mechanical Reasoning; Paper Folding; and Shape Rotation. Further analysis found differences in spatial ability across the three groups of gifted adolescents. The Science track showed the highest results in all four tests.
Conclusion. Overall, the study suggested that the Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB) can be used for talent identification, educational assessment, and support. The analysis showed a unifactorial structure of spatial abilities. Future research is needed to evaluate the use of this battery with other specific samples and unselected populations.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0205
Keywords: education/ educational streaming/ factor analysis/ investment of effort/ gifted children/ reliability/ spatial ability