A Geometrical Approach to Research into Signal Recognition in Visual Systems of Humans and Animals
Imaging Processes of Working Memory by Localization of Activated Frequency-Selective EEG Generators
Why Historical becomes Personal? Spontaneous Historical Content of Individual Autobiographical Memory
Technologies of Virtual Reality in the Context of WorldWide and Russian Psychology: Methodology, Comparison with Traditional Methods, Achievements and PerspectievesPDF HTML33636
Zinchenko, Yu.P., Menshikova, G.Ya., Bayakovsky, Yu.M., Chernorizov, A.M., Voiskounsky, A.E. (2010). Technologies of Virtual Reality in the Context of WorldWide and Russian Psychology: Methodology, Comparison with Traditional Methods, Achievements and Perspectives. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 3, 12-45.
The Possibility of Using Sign and Symbolic Tools in the Development of Motor Skills by Beginning Soccer Players