Winners or Losers? Two Academic Years in Experiences of COVID-19 Pandemic
Career Orientations of Pre-Service Teachers: Exploring the Influence of Different Types of Universities
Classifying the Perception of Difficult Life Tasks: Machine Learning and/or Modeling of Logical Processes
The Emotional Intelligence of the GPT-4 Large Language Model
The Features of Modeling Mediation in Digital Support for Formation of Multiplicative Concepts
Resilience and Post-traumatic Growth among Cancer Patients: A Moderated Mediation Analysis through Perceived Social Support and Stress
Parental Practices of Controlling and Supporting the Autonomy of Elementary School Children and Early Adolescents in Russia: A Qualitative Study
Mental Health Stigma and Mental Health Literacy in Russia: Their Prevalence and Associations with Somatic, Anxiety, and Depressive SymptomsPDF HTML2950
Zolotareva, A., Maltseva, N., Belousova, S., Smirnikova, O. (2024). Mental Health Stigma and Mental Health Literacy in Russia: Their Prevalence and Associations with Somatic, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(1), 23-33. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0202
Materialism, the Dark Triad Traits, and Money Management among Undergraduate Students
Exploring the Emotional Pathway from Motivation to Facebook* Addiction in a Vietnamese Undergraduate Sample
To Stay or to Leave: The Role of School, Family, and Prosocial Goals in Migration Intentions of Russian High School StudentsPDF HTML3617
Gordeeva, T.O., Sychev, O.A., Kornienko, D.S., Rudnova, N.A., Dedyukina, M.I. (2024). To Stay or to Leave: The Role of School, Family, and Prosocial Goals in Migration Intentions of Russian High School Students, Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 17(1), 84-99. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0105
Self-Attitude and Reflection in Codependent Women: A Comparative Study
Mobile Food Tracking Apps: Do They Provoke Disordered Eating Behavior? Results of a Longitudinal Study
The Needs of Adolescents to Communicate with Their Parents in Online and Offline Formats: The Creation and Validation of a Questionnaire
The Interfunctional Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Private Speech
Media Multitasking in Mixed Reality Learning Situations: What Determines Its Effectiveness?
How Does Joint Media Engagement Affect the Development of Executive Functions in 5- to-7 year-old Children?
“Interstellar Wanderers:” Digital Support for Teaching Place Value Within the Activity Approach Framework
Ground Rules for Preschooler Exposure to the Digital Environment: A Review of Studies