Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2017, 1, 226 p.

Volume 10 (01)
Volume 10 (01)
Psychology and Education
Special section “Psychology and education”
The influence of psychology on Russian didactic terminology (early 18th century — first half of 20th century)
Lenses on metacognition: Teachers’ perceptions toward strategies in reading in a Pakistani context
The modern Russian teacher: Studying awareness with the use of the semi-structured interview
The interconnection of learning ability and the organization of metacognitive processes and traits of personality
Components of metacognition and metacognitive properties of forecasting as determinants of supra-situational pedagogical thinking
Social psychology
Power, attraction, and reference in macrolevel social relations: An analysis of closed groups and closed societies based on the psychology of the “Soviet person”PDF HTML6057
Radina N.K., Koskina M.V. (2017). Power, attraction, and reference in macrolevel social relations: An analysis of closed groups and closed societies based on the psychology of the “Soviet person” and the “post-Soviet person”. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 10(1), 117-129.
Adaptation resources in subjects with social and psychosomatic disadaptation: a comparative analysis
Psychometric properties of the Russian version of the utrecht Work engagement scale (UWES-9)
Psychology and bioethics
Biobanking — a new environment for psychological research and applications
Studying anti-vaccination behavior and attitudes: A systematic review of methods