Volume 6, Issue 2, 2013

Social Psychology
Psychology of Education and Learning
Multimethod approach to measuring values in a school context: exploring the association between Congruence — Discrepancy Index (CO DI) and task commitment
Structural dialectical approach in psychology: problems and research resultsPDF HTML14818
Nikolay E. Veraksa, Anastasiya K. Belolutskaya, Irina I. Vorobyeva, Eugene E. Krasheninnikov, Elena V. Rachkova, Igor B. Shiyan, Olga A. Shiyan (2013). Structural dialectical approach in psychology: problems and research results. .Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 6 (2), 65-77
Clinical and Health Psychology
Cultural-psychological and clinical perspectives of research on phenomena of subjective uncertainty and ambiguity
Psychological underpinning of personalized approaches in modern medicine: syndrome analysis of mitral valve prolapsed patients
The siege of Leningrad (1941–1944): memories of the survivors who have lived through the trauma