Poddiakov A.N. (2011). Multivariable Objects for Stimulation of Young Children's Combinatorial Experimentation and Causal-Experimental Thought. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 4, 397-420
An important direction of human cognitive development is the development of
abilities at activities in complex dynamical environments containing multiple interacting
structures (Dorner, Frensch & Funke, Spector, Voss). Cognition of the interacting
structures by experimentation is the main function of causal-experimental
thought (Demetriou). Usually preoperational children are not considered to have
well-expressed abilities for causal-experimental thought. In the paper I describe
heuristic rules for design of didactic multivariable objects stimulating preschoolers’
combinatorial experimentation and causal-experimental thought, the objects
designed, and several studies of the children’s cognitive activity (exploratory learning)
aimed at the objects and revealing their abilities to combinatorial experimentation.
Participants: 623 children of 3-7 years old. It has been shown that the children
successfully explore the objects containing hidden mechanical, logical and
mathematical relationships by using strategies of combinatorial experimentation
of various levels of complexity.
Feldstein D.I. (2011). A Changing Child in Changing World: Psychological and Educational Problems of the New School. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 4, 383-396
The article is devoted to a number of urgent problems of mental and physical
health of people who live in the global community. How we understand what
is the world around us, what kind of society we live in and what are behavioural
patterns and developmental features in the contemporary situation, and what
the requirements of this society are. Changes in the modern child are influenced
by an intense evolutionary self-development of modern man. Special attention
should be paid to the development of science on the whole and psychological,
psychophysiological, psychological and didactic branches in particular whose basis
are stipulated in the textbooks and manuals of a qualitatively new generation.