Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2016, 2, 176 p.

Volume 9 (02)
Volume 9 (02)
Medical psychology
Structural-phenomenological features of the internal picture of doctors’ illnesses
Strategies and resources for coping with fear of disease progression in women with reproductive system cancer
The contamination of young people’s notions about narcotics and psychoactive substances as a threat to psychological security
Personality psychology
An existential criterion of normal and abnormal personality in the works of Carl Jung and Carl Rogers
Adaptation of instruments developed to study the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic processes
Self-transcendence facilitates meaning-making and flow: Evidence from a pilot experimental study
Speech and semantic
Pilot study of the influence of a communicator’s speech characteristics on a recipient’s willingness to maintain interaction in cross-cultural online communication
Eye movement parameters while reading show cognitive processes of structural analysis of written speech
Social psychology
Competitiveness of personality as a psychological phenomenon: The content of the construct and its typology