Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and SportsBudakova, A.V.; Likhanov, M.V.; Toivainen, T.; Zhurbitskiy, A.V.; Sitnikova, M.A.; Bezrukova, E.M.; Kovas, Yu.V.PDF HTML5082
Budakova, A.V., Likhanov, M.V., Toivainen, T., Zhurbitskiy, A.V., Sitnikova, E.O., Bezrukova, E.M., Kovas, Yu. (2021). Measuring Spatial Ability for Talent Identification, Educational Assessment, and Support: Evidence from Adolescents with High Achievement in Science, Arts, and Sports. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(2), 59-85. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0205
Background. Spatial ability (SA) is a robust predictor of academic and occupational achievement. The present study investigated the psychometric properties of 10 tests for measuring of SA in a sample of talented schoolchildren.
Objective. Our purpose was to identify the most suitable measurements for SA for the purpose of talent identification, educational assessment, and support.
Design. Our sample consisted of 1479 schoolchildren who had demonstrated high achievement in Science, Arts, or Sports. Several criteria were applied to evaluate the measurements, including an absence of floor and ceiling effects, low redundancy, high reliability, and external validity.
Results. Based on these criteria, we included the following four tests in an Online Short Spatial Ability Battery “OSSAB”: Pattern Assembly; Mechanical Reasoning; Paper Folding; and Shape Rotation. Further analysis found differences in spatial ability across the three groups of gifted adolescents. The Science track showed the highest results in all four tests.
Conclusion. Overall, the study suggested that the Online Short Spatial Ability Battery (OSSAB) can be used for talent identification, educational assessment, and support. The analysis showed a unifactorial structure of spatial abilities. Future research is needed to evaluate the use of this battery with other specific samples and unselected populations.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0205
Keywords: education/ educational streaming/ factor analysis/ investment of effort/ gifted children/ reliability/ spatial ability