Learning Disabilities in Primary School. How to Diagnose and Remediate the Difficulties with a Team Approach: The First Results
The Relationship between Happiness and “Deadly Sins” among Middle-Aged Persons
Coping and Co-creation: One Attempt and One Route to Well-being. Part 2. Application to Identity and Social Well-being
Review of Contributions to the Russian Child Well-Being Index: Focus on Subjective Well-Being Indicators
Subjective Appraisal and Orientations in Difficult Life Situations as Predictors of Coping Strategies
Measuring TechnoWellness and Its Relationship to Subjective Well-Being: the Mediating Role of Optimism
Psychological Well-Being and Intra-personal Conflicts in Adolescence
Subjective Well-being during the Pandemic: A Pilot Study in the Cuban PopulationPDF HTML2857
Fernández-Castillo, E., Rodríguez-González, D.R., Fernández-Fleites, Z., Broche-Pérez, Yu., Otero- Ramos, I.M., Martínez-Rodríguez, L., Vizcaíno-Escobar, A.E., Martín-González, R., Ferrer- Lozano, D.M., Palmero-Betancourt, E.E. (2021). Subjective Well-being during the Pandemic: A Pilot Study in the Cuban Population. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(3), 119-131. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0308
Does Culture Mediate the Effect of Promotion/Prevention Regulatory Focus on Subjective Well-Being? Evidence from an Armenian Sample
Do Authentic People Care about the Environment? A View from Two Paradigms
Well-being and Coping with Stress Among Russian Adolescents in Different Educational Environments
Optimistic Attributional Style as a Predictor of Well-Being: Exploring the Mediating Roles of Gratitude and Savoring the Moment
The Dynamics of the Interrelationships between Conscious Self-regulation, and Psychological and School-related Subjective Well-being in Adolescents: A Three-year Cross-lagged Panel StudyPDF HTML2818
Morosanova, V.I., Fomina, T.G., Bondarenko, I.N. (2021). Dynamics of Interrelationships between Conscious Self-regulation, Psychological and School-related Subjective Well-being in Adolescents: Three-year Cross-lagged Panel Study. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(3), 34-49. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0303
What It Means to Be Oneself: The Everyday Ideas of Authenticity among Primary School Children and Adolescents in RussiaPDF HTML3761
Nartova-Bochaver, S.K., Bayramyan, R.M., Chulyukin, K.S., Yerofeyeva, V.G. (2021). What It Means to Be Oneself: The Everyday Ideas of Authenticity among Primary School Children and Adolescents in Russia. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(3), 3-20. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0301
Psychological and Electrophysiological Correlates of Word Learning SuccessPDF HTML4025
Mkrtychian, N.A., Kostromina, S.N., Gnedykh, D.S., Tsvetova, D.M., Blagovechtchenski, E.D., Shtyrov, Yu.Y. (2021). Psychological and Electrophysiological Correlates of Word Learning Success. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 14(2), 171-192. DOI: 10.11621/pir.2021.0211
Coping and Co-creation: One Attempt and One Route to Well-Being. Part 1. Conceptual Framework
Free Will as a Paradox: Empirical Evaluation of the Construct of Everyday Consciousness