Volume #10, 3, 2017
Exploring terra incognita of cognitive science: Lateralization of gene expression at the frontal pole of the human brain
Cognitive aspects of human motor activity: Contribution of right hemisphere and cerebellum
Not all reading is alike: Task modulation of magnetic evoked response to visual word
Technology-related transformations of imaginary body boundaries: Psychopathology of the everyday excessive Internet and mobile phone use
The application of virtual reality technology to testing resistance to motion sickness
Structure of conceptual models in the senior operating staff of nuclear power plants
Gaze-and-brain-controlled interfaces for human-computer and human-robot interaction
The concentric model of human working memory: A validation study using complex span and updating tasks
Feeling of agency versus judgment of agency in passive movements with various delays from the stimulus
On the challenge of polysemy in contemporary cognitive research: What is conscious and what is unconscious
In search of the “I”: Neuropsychology of lateralized thinking meets Dynamic Causal Modeling