Psychometric Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Identity Distress Scale in Ecuadorian Emerging Adults
Background. Emerging adulthood is a newly known developmental stage in humans, between late adolescence and fully-achieved adulthood. This stage is characterized by continued indecision and postponement of individuation; it also corresponds with a delay in identity actualization. Personal identity is related to the development of the individual across various aspects of life including the identification of long-term goals, career selection, friendship, and sexuality. Therefore, identity is understood to be an individual's perception of themselves and the conceptualization of their place within a social context. Identity development is expected to reach this critical stage between late adolescence and emerging adulthood, where specific factors may arise to hinder the realization of identity, potentially resulting in identity problems or identity distress. The latter considered a disorder within the DSM-III, and based on its diagnostic criteria, the Identity Distress Scale was created to measure the presence of identity distress.
Objective. First, to report evidence of validity and reliability of the IDS using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, and invariance testing according to the Identity Distress Scale across a sample of Ecuadorian emerging adults. Second, to report the scores of the Identity Distress Scale among the participants.
Design. The study employed a quantitative approach with a non-experimental, cross-sectional design, and an instrumental scope.
Results. The results reveal that the scale operates with a first-order two-factor model, demonstrating a good fit and internal consistency (χ² (df) = (34) 125.03, CFI= .97, TLI= .95, SRMR=.07, RMSEA=.07, ɑ = from .72 to .76, ⍵ = from .66 to .73). Evidence of measurement invariance was found between males and females.
Conclusion. The IDS has adequate psychometric properties for its use in the Ecuadorian context.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2024.0406
Keywords: identity distress/ exploratory factor analysis/ confirmatory factor analysis/ construct validity/ identity/ emerging adulthood