Meta-system Approach as a Methodological Principle of Psychological Research

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2010.0006

Karpov, A.V. P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, Russia


The following article aims to explain why including a new principle - a meta-sys-tem approach principle - in methodological principles of psychological research is of crucial importance. In developing main points of system methodology this approach simultaneously appears to be a more general one, because it permits to overcome a number of limitations and, first of all, to incorporate a qualitatively unique class of systems - systems with an "embedded" meta-system level - in the sphere of research. Besides, the article covers main issues and methodological sources for applying the meta-system approach to psychological studies. It is the purpose of this article to demonstrate efficiency of the approach in understanding basic structural principles and content of the highest psychical level - the meta-system level.

Themes: Methodology of psychology; Theories and approaches


Pages: 154-170

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2010.0006

Keywords: meta-system approach, methodological principle, systems theory, level of organization, subjective reality, structural-level organization, mental representation.

To cite this article: Karpov A.V. (2010). Meta-system Approach as a Methodological Principle of Psychological Research. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 3, 154-170

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