Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension of majors in education and psychology

Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension of majors in education and psychology

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2014.0204

Korotaeva, I.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


This study looks at how well students majoring in educational sciences and psychology were able to use spontaneously metacognitive strategies for reading comprehension. Students majoring in education have demonstrated ineffective learning goals and strategies. The results of the study show that only 7 percent of education majors sought to establish logical connections between the text fragments in multiple-choice assessment by contrast with 48 percent of psychology majors. The study showed that the number of education and psychology majors with metacognitive strategy of systematization has increased in the situation of self-formulated answer.

Received: 30.11.2013

Accepted: 28.02.2014

Themes: Educational psychology


Pages: 39-47

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2014.0204

Keywords: metacognition, learning approach, multiple-choice assessment, self-regulated learning, readers’ skills

To cite this article: Korotaeva I.V. (2014) Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension of majors in education and psychology. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 8(2), 39-47.

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