The role of motivation and system of values in the development of upper secondary school pupils' personalities

The role of motivation and system of values in the development of upper secondary school pupils' personalities

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2014.0203

Vartanova, I.I. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


The motivation system in adolescent high school pupilsstudents of was studied (9th and 11th grade students) on the basis of a complex approach and a comparative analysis of emotional attitudes and a deliberate preference of values (general and educational). It was shown that the significance and accessibility of analyzed groups of values are, to a considerable extent, determined by a dominant motivation. Also, a tendency was found towards the contra-positioning of conscious and emotional attitudes with values — values which are highly attractive on the motivation-and-emotional level, but on the level of conscience, are underestimated compared with other ones. This also determines the further trend of development of a personality in the direction of acceptance of sociallyapproved general and educational values, and leads to the convergence of personality development of schoolchildren at that stage of their life. Also revealed were certain gender- related features of value orientations, which were relatinged to the more advanced development of girls when compared to boys of the same age.

Received: 22.12.2012

Accepted: 28.03.2013

Themes: Developmental psychology; Personality psychology


Pages: 27-38

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2014.0203

Keywords: motivation, values, personality, upper secondary school children

To cite this article: Vartanova I.I. (2014) The role of motivation and system of values in the development of upper secondary school pupils' personalities. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 8(2), 27-38.

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