Lomonosov Moscow State University
On New Opportunities and Prospects of Development of Projective Study
The article is focused on history and logic of the evolution of projective techniques, as well as methodological problems concerning the arrangement of a study based on application of projective methods, and the analysis of the data obtained. A critical review is undertaken of the “classical” habit of thought regarding projective methods, and a new, “non-classical” approach is suggested. To lay a foundation for the suggested new approach there has been undertaken a research into peculiarities of a projective study implementation (with the CAT1 method being employed) with further consideration of the results on the material of a child development.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2011.0014
Keywords: history and logic of development of projective techniques, “non-classical” habit of thought concerning projective methods, exteriorization, the CAT method, assistance in self-expression.
Reconstructin of Inner Dialogue in the Psychotherapeutic Process (A Case Study)
Basing on Vygotsky’s cultural-historical methodology, Bakhtin’s conception of inner dialogue, and some ideas of object relations theory, the authors propose an integrative approach to self-awareness in psychotherapy. Serious attention is paid to the predictors of borderline personality disorders and comorbid illnesses: pathogenic family conditions of personality development and, in consequence of them, splitting and structural distortions of self-awareness. The descriptive-analytic, semiotic and dialogical procedures of analysis of verbal communications between patient and psychotherapist were elaborated and approbated.
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2009.0021
Keywords: case study, inner dialogue, transference-countertransference, dynamics of Self-Other representations, borderline personality structure.