Fluid Intelligence in Children with Learning Disabilities
Background. Fluid intelligence is an integral cognitive ability that involves solving new non-standard problems. It strongly predicts academic and professional achievement, whereas a low level of fluid intelligence is an important predictor of learning problems. Clinical studies of fluid intelligence are of interest for the development of training programs in various groups of children with special needs. This article presents a study on fluid intelligence in children with learning disabilities.
Objective. This study aimed to investigate characteristics of fluid intelligence and its relationships with other cognitive characteristics in children with learning disabilities.
Design. This study involved 93 children, divided into two groups: 55 typically developing children (control group) and 38 children with learning disabilities (clinical group). To assess intelligence characteristics, this study employed the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC-V).
Results. A reduction was found in fluid intelligence, working memory, short-term memory, long-term memory, processing speed, visual-spatial abilities, and verbal abilities in the group of children with learning disabilities compared to the control group. In the clinical group, fluid intelligence was strongly associated with a greater number of cognitive parameters compared to the control group.
Conclusions. It is possible to assume that a close connection of fluid intelligence with the assessed cognitive characteristics in the group of children with learning disabilities may be due to general challenges in cognitive development.
Keywords: fluid intelligence/ learning disabilities/ children/ WISC-V/ KABC-II