
News PIR

Psychology. Online abstract digest of psychological sciences is opened.

Articles, dissertations, information about authors and many others can be found at

Psychology in Russia: State of the Art is included in Scopus (Elsevier).

Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Psychological Society proudly inform that Psychology in Russia: State of the Art is included in Scopus (Elsevier).

Submission deadline for Volume 6 is December 25th, 2012

Articles must be presented both in English and Russian, and must be competently written and argued. Submission deadline for Volume 6 is December 25th, 2012.

Submit manuscripts electronically (.doc) to


Psychology can make this world a better place: How psychological approaches pay off in terms of human, social and financial capital Conclusions of the International Congress for Psychology 2012 "Serving the humanity" that ends today in Cape Town

Psychology can make this world a better place. This is one of the conclusions out of five days of meetings, talks, presentations and discussions of about 6.000 participants at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2012 in Cape Town South Africa. “To meet the challenges of the changes we are witnessing across the world, be it due to scientific advances, or financial catastrophes, to political transformation, or climate change and ecological fragility, we have to come together more than ever before.” said Rainer K. Silbereisen, outgoing President of the International Union of Psychological Science IUPsyS. “We have to pool our knowledge and expertise, and we have to learn from one another — we have to recognise the contribution all areas of the world can make, and understand the importance of diversity.”

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