Call for Papers
Special issue: Education and Human Development
Guest editor: Yulia Kovas
Yulia Kovas is Professor of Genetics and Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London ( She is also a visiting professor in New York University; University of Sussex; King's College, University of London and Higher School of Economics (Moscow). She directs the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Investigations into Individual Differences in Learning at Goldsmiths. In addition, she directs the Laboratory for Cognitive Investigations and Behavioural Genetics at Tomsk State University; and co-directs the Russian-British Laboratory for Behavioural Genetics at the Psychological Institute of the RAE; and the International Centre for Research in Human Development at Tomsk State University. She is associate editor for Intelligence (Elsevier) and British Journal of Educational Psychology (Wiley).
The special issue invites articles that advance knowledge and theory about education and human development. Empirical research, as well as scholarly reviews and theoretical or methodological articles are within the scope of this issue. Articles should report on studies that examine educationally relevant processes, as well as biological, social, and cultural factors that affect development.
Manuscript submission deadline is September 15st, 2018
Instructions for Authors:
Special issue: Language and Cognition
Guest editor: Csaba Pleh
Csaba Pleh is Distingusihed Visiting Professor at the Department of Cognitive Science, Central European University, Budapest. He is a Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. He was the Editor in Chief of Hungarian Review of Psychology (1997-2015) and the President of the Hungarian Philosophical Association (1998-2001). He has been a fellow to Collegium Budapest, the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, and Collegium de Lyon. In 1991-1992 and in 2004-2005, he was the György Ránki Hungarian Chair at Indiana University. His long-term research interests include history of cognitive science, psycholinguistics, the relationship between language and cognition, and linguistic developmental disorders.
Co-Editor: Boris B. Velichkovsky
Boris B. Velichkovsky is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. He graduated from Berlin Free University (1998) with Master Degree in Linguistics, Psychology, and Computer Science. At focus of his research interests are experimental studies of language, working memory, cognitive control, and bilingualism.
Language is a human facility of vital significance for everyday life. Though it is implemented in the human brain and culture through a host of cognitive processes, language itself exerts profound influence on our consciousness and cognition. The intricate relationship between language and cognitive processes is far from being clear despite a multitude of hypotheses and years of empirical studies. This special issue invites articles addressing the bi-directional influences between language and cognition to review recent advances in this area of interdisciplinary cognitive research. Topics may include but are not limited to processes of syntactic and semantic analysis, neurolinguistics and cognitive neuroimaging, metaphor comprehension, psychosemantics, bilingualism and cognitive aging, inner speech research, developmental language disorders and deficits, etc. Descriptions of original experimental studies, systematic reviews, as well as methodological and theoretical papers of high quality are accepted.
Deadline for submission is October 1st, 2018
Instructions for Authors:
Special issue: Personality Psychology from a contemporary perspective
Guest editor: Aldert Vrij
Aldert Vrij — is a Professor of Applied Social Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth in Portsmouth, England.
Aldert Vrij is one of the leading world scientists in lie detection research. He is also a part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme in Legal Psychology ( He is contact person of the European consortium of Psychological Research on Deception Detection (EPRODD) ( He is editor of the scholarly journal Legal Criminological Psychology, published by the British Psychological Society. He serves on the board of governors of the Society for Applied Reseach in Memory and Cognition and a Programme Director of research on 'Eliciting Information' at the Centre for Reseach and Evidence on Security Threats (
The special issue of Journal will be devoted to the problems of personality psychology – theoretical bases and approaches to the description and research of personality in the modern reality and its challenges. The journal invites articles on major and innovative issues of psychology of personality. Scholarly reviews, methodological, analytic articles, as well as empirical research presenting new research approaches and data from the studies of personality problems, will be included.
Deadline for submission is November 1st, 2018
Instructions for Authors: