Achievement Motivation and EEG Spectral Power
Achievement motivation is a psychological category which implies a desire to achieve significant (powerful) results in certain sphere. According to the results of psychophysiological research people who are motivated for success are very active before they are instructed by the researcher which proves that they aimed at the perception of the referent situation and the intense level of expectations. One of the vital issues today is a problem how genes influence human behaviour. Thus on the basis of contemporary researches we can conclude that such influence is regulated by brain processes.
Themes: Psychophysiology
Pages: 448-466
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2011.0030
Keywords: achievement motivation, brain process, psychology.
To cite this article: Ermakov P.N., Vorobyeva E.V. (2011). Achievement Motivation and EEG Spectral Power. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 4, 448-466
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