Narcissism as Clinical and Socio-Cultural Phenomenon
Basing on the theoretical analysis and personal longstanding research, the author offers general characteristics of narcissism, delineates the relations between the disturbances of identity structure, regulatory mechanisms, cognitive styles and modes of interpersonal cognition, which allows predicting a wide range of psychic and behavioral disorders. It is shown that the phenomenon of narcissism has a bio-psycho-social causation, and that the contemporary technological glut as well as the expansion of consumerist values give new stimuli for the development of narcissistic and perfectionist personality trends.
Themes: Psychology and culture; Clinical psychology
Pages: 684-702
DOI: 10.11621/pir.2010.0034
Keywords: narcissism, consumerist values, perfectionism, body as the object of metamorphoses of self, manipulativeness in communication, compliance, psychotherapy, cognitive style, alexithymia, defense mechanisms, coping, autodestruc-tiveness
To cite this article: Sokolova E.T. (2010). Narcissism as Clinical and Socio-Cultural Phenomenon. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 3, 684-702
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