Psycholinguistic Analysis of the Psychoanalytical Process (Based on the Material of a Patient's Narrations of their Dreams)

Psycholinguistic Analysis of the Psychoanalytical Process (Based on the Material of a Patient's Narrations of their Dreams)

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2010.0035

Rossokhin, A.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


The work is aimed at the studying of the reflexive process of a personality dur­ing psychoanalysis, which has never been researched empirically basing on the material of a subject's narrations of their dreams. It was shown that during the psychoanalytical process the reflexive processes of a personality enhance, become more active and change qualitatively. As reflection develops, the subjects start to think reflexively about their dreams, which leads to qualitative and quantita­tive change of intrapsychic images. The extracommunicative direction of dreams during psychoanalysis is replaced by the intrapsychic one, and the content of the reflexive processes changes qualitatively. The amount of ascertaining statements decrease, more frequent is detailed description of inner feelings and emotions of the subject.

Themes: Applied psychology and psychotherapy


Pages: 703-719

DOI: 10.11621/pir.2010.0035

Keywords: personality, reflection, psychoanalysis, altered states of consciousness, psychoanalytical process, dreams, psycholinguistic analysis

To cite this article: Rossokhin A.V. (2010). Psycholinguistic Analysis of the Psychoanalytical Process (Based on the Material of a Patient's Narrations of their Dreams). Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 3, 703- 719

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